Sunday, October 4, 2009

So after Fridays meeting with Phil, I suppose I’m feeling quite optimistic about our Team project. I think, with all the ideas that have been thrown up in the air, reaching a decision to what we all want to achieve from this is going to be the hardest thing in the upcoming weeks. Once that is finalized, I don’t think the design/concept document will be so much trouble.

We ended up talking about paranoia and trying to define it and its symptoms. Here’s what Wikipedia has to say on that matter;
Paranoia - a thought process characterized by excessive anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion.

In regards to the final project, I think maybe taking the sound element of paranoia and working with that could be a viable option. We all seem to mention sound effects in on way shape or form so I think everyone is on the same page there. The motion detector from Aliens should be looked at further as well as the Pavlovian conditioning.

Anyways, I’m hungry. Back soon.....